Membership Training "6-Step Guide to Start Membership Websites" Join Live Webcast
Utilize Private Member Chat to Provide Live Member Support

This Tip of the Week covers topics including:

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:26 – What is Private Member Chat? – Private Member Chat add-on
  • 1:24 – Benefits of Live Support Chat for Members
  • 4:50 – Benefits of Live Support Chat for YOU
  • 9:40 – Setting Up Private Member Chat for Support
  • 12:10 – How Private Member Chat is Typically Used
  • 13:07 – How to Set Up Private Member Chat for Support

This is a segment from Webinar Wednesday 153, recorded live on March 15, 2023.

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Brilliant Directories Webinar Wednesday


Empowering Connections: How Live Member Support Transforms Your Online Community

In the bustling digital world, where clicks and scrolls often replace handshakes and smiles, the importance of genuine human interaction can’t be overstated. Imagine you’re the proud owner of a thriving online community where members converge to connect, share, and grow. Yet, amidst the vibrant chatter and activity, there arise questions, issues, and the need for guidance. That’s precisely where the magic of live member support comes into play. With Brilliant Directories’ Private Member Chat add-on, you can weave a personal touch into your digital domain, creating an environment where members not only thrive but feel truly valued. Let’s dive into how this tool can revolutionize your online community, forging stronger connections and fostering growth.

Why Live Member Support Matters

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how to make the most of this fantastic tool, let’s first understand why offering live member support is a game-changer for your online community.

Benefits Galore

  1. Boosts Trust: Imagine being able to chat with a real person in real-time when you need assistance on a website. It’s like having a friendly concierge in a five-star hotel – it builds trust and makes members feel valued.
  2. Keeps You in the Loop: With live support, you’re not just the captain of the ship; you’re also in the passenger seat, experiencing your website as your members do. You get real-time insights into the challenges and concerns they face, helping you make informed decisions to improve the user experience.
  3. Resolves Issues Swiftly: Rapid response to member inquiries means quicker issue resolution. Happy members stick around, and your community grows stronger.
  4. Enhances User Engagement: By offering live member support, you create a more interactive and engaging environment. Members are more likely to participate actively when they know help is just a chat away.
  5. Differentiates Your Community: In the vast digital landscape, excellent customer service sets you apart. Word-of-mouth recommendations about your stellar support can draw more members to your site.


Handling Support Requests Like a Pro

Now that we’ve highlighted why live member support is invaluable, let’s talk about how to handle support requests effectively.

The Golden Rules

  1. Be Prompt: Speed is of the essence. Respond as quickly as possible to ensure your members don’t feel ignored.
  2. Be Friendly: A warm and courteous demeanor goes a long way in making members feel comfortable. Remember, a smile can be heard in your words.
  3. Listen Actively: Understand the member’s issue before offering a solution. Ask clarifying questions if needed. This shows you genuinely care.
  4. Offer Solutions, Not Excuses: While it’s essential to acknowledge problems, focus on resolving them. Provide clear and actionable solutions.
  5. Document and Learn: Keep records of common issues and their solutions. This knowledge will help you anticipate and prevent problems in the future.


Types of Support Requests You’ll Encounter

Support requests can vary widely, but here are some common ones you’re likely to encounter:

  1. Technical Issues: These are the nuts and bolts problems – login difficulties, glitches, or errors members might encounter while navigating your site.
  2. Content Assistance: Members might need help with uploading content, formatting posts, or understanding your platform’s features.
  3. Account Management: Queries about account settings, subscription plans, or payment-related issues are common.
  4. Community Guidelines: Sometimes, members might need clarification on your community’s rules and guidelines.
  5. General Queries: These can range from inquiries about upcoming events to asking for recommendations on how to get the most out of your community.


Who Benefits Most from Live Member Support?

Wondering if this tool is a good fit for your website? Here are five types of websites that can benefit immensely from utilizing the Private Member Chat add-on:

  1. Professional Networks: Websites connecting professionals and businesses can provide immediate assistance to users seeking job opportunities or business partnerships.
  2. Educational Communities: Online learning platforms can use live support to guide students through courses, answer technical questions, and provide academic assistance.
  3. Marketplaces: E-commerce websites can offer real-time support for buyers and sellers, helping with transactions, disputes, and technical issues.
  4. Health and Wellness Communities: Platforms focusing on health, fitness, and well-being can provide instant support for users seeking guidance on workouts, nutrition, or medical advice.
  5. Nonprofit Organizations: Charities and nonprofits can use live support to engage with donors, answer questions about their mission, and provide assistance with donations.


Your Path to a Stronger Online Community

Remember this: your online community is not just a website; it’s a living, breathing entity shaped by the connections it fosters. The Private Member Chat add-on from Brilliant Directories isn’t just a tool; it’s your partner in creating a nurturing and vibrant digital space. By offering real-time support, you’re not just solving problems; you’re building trust, loyalty, and a thriving ecosystem. So, embrace the power of live member support, and watch your online community flourish as members engage, connect, and grow together. Here’s to stronger connections and a brighter digital future.

The Elevator Pitch
Why Choose Brilliant Directories

We'll make it short and sweet:

  • We Know Membership Sites — We've taken care of all the heavy lifting so you can focus on growing your membership community and getting users signed up.
  • Access to Expert Support — We know you have questions... Our dedicated support team works 'round the clock to quickly resolve any technical issues.
  • Trusted by 30,000+ Websites — With over 10 years of experience, we understand the unique needs of online membership communities.
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Brilliant Directories is rooting for us

I went into my venture alone, but was pleasantly surprised at the community and the Brilliant Directories support team. The staff is super responsive and it truly feels like they are rooting for us. On top of this, there are great discussions and support within the Facebook group, where I manage to learn something new from other membership website owners every day. It's an amazing and continuously evolving product and I'm happy to be a part of it!

Erwin C. — Texas, USA Read More Reviews

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  • Tour the features that will help you manage your community and maximize productivity
  • Experience how members will view, edit and self-manage their personal accounts
  • Customize your demo site to match your brand
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