New Features:
- We added Bulk Actions functionality to the View Members page in the Admin. This new feature will enable Site Admins to change the Status or Product of a Member, or Delete members in bulk.
- We updated the display of the Import Member page in the Admin.
- We added a new Transaction Type to the “Transaction Types” field on the Search Member page in the Admin called “Stopped / Cancelled”. Choosing this option will only show members which have a Stopped or Cancelled Product Subscription.
- We updated the look of the Activity Tracker page in the Admin.
- We added the ability to Enable/Disabled Widgets in bulk on the Widget Manager page in the Admin.
- We added text to checkout pages to inform users whether a coupon code applies to only the first payment, or all future payments. This featured will be available when the Easy Coupon Codes Add-On is active on a Site. New Text Labels: promocode_nonrecurring_help_text_label, promocode_recurring_help_text_label.
- We created a new Design Setting to control whether or not to display the Member’s Category in the Recent and Featured Member widgets on the homepage. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options.
- We released the Sell Digital Downloads Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We updated the aesthetics of the Member Reviews, Send Newsletter, Manage Leads, Email Templates Preview, Import Member Categories, and View Contacts pages in the Admin.
- We updated the aesthetics of the Coupon Codes, Country Settings, and Form Inquiries pages in the Admin.
- We added a Keyword Filter Search field to the Add-Ons Status page in the Admin.
- We created new Design Settings that allow the Admin to Show Categories with or without Photos in the Recent Categories widget. In order to use this new feature navigates to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options box.
- We updated the layout of the Sidebar Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the aesthetics of the Send Newsletter process in the Admin.
- We created new Design Setting that allows an Admin to select which Products’ Members will display in the Recent Members. To use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options box.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Member Search Results H1 Title to show twice when performing a member keyword search in some cases.
- We applied a design fix to the “Reply to Review” field in the Member Review Details page in order to expand the textarea vertically.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Member Search Sidebar widgets to not auto-select the searched Sub and Sub-Sub Categories after performing a search.
- We fixed an issue which was causing upgrade options to display a price when the Product had been marked as Free in some cases.
- We updated the description of the Require Location and Require Category settings on the Lead Settings page in the Admin.
- Location searches for posts now support the Strict Search Advanced Setting.
- We fixed an issue which was causing a website’s logo to not link to the homepage of the site properly when displayed on securemypayment.com payment pages.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Turkish Finansbank Payment Gateway credentials from being edited in the Admin Area.
- We deprecated the HTTPS Recaptcha Settings on the Advanced Settings page. These credentials will continue to be updated in the General Settings >> Integrations tab. Deprecated Advanced Settings: https_recaptcha_site_keyand https_recpatcha_secret_key.
- We improved the logic of the Search Members page in the Admin when the “Search Location” and “Transaction Types” fields are used to search for members.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Transaction Tab on the Member Account Details page in the Admin to inaccurate results when using the Load Next Results button in some cases.
- We removed the Members column on the Member Category page in the Admin and merged its contents into the Action column. This change will help with the display of this page on mobile devices.
- We updated the text of the Admin menu item “Website Activity Log” to “Activity Tracker”.
- We added the ability to remove the Featured Post Expiration Date when one has been assigned to a post in the Admin using the Pin Featured Post Add-On.
- We improved the logic of the Profile Tab settings of Products to resolve a conflict that could arise with certain deprecated Advanced Settings.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Export Data Add-On from working properly in properly in some cases.
- We added the total number of pending leads as a notification next to the Leads menu item in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Member Bulk Actions on the Search Members page in the Admin from functioning properly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Froala WYSIWYG to not upload images with capitalized file extensions in some cases.
- We made an update so that an Admin will be redirected to the Member Categories page after importing Member Categories in the Admin. Previously it was redirecting the user back to the Member Category Import Tool instead.
- We moved the “Search Engine Visibility” setting from being an Advanced Setting to being a General Setting. To find the setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Configuration Tab.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to edit widgets in the Admin using the link for the widget seen when editing a Sidebar in the Sidebar Manager.
- We added the “Add-On Available” tag to the Multi-Location Listings and Click-To-Call Members Add-Ons on the Edit Products page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the System to send several emails if the Compose Email modal was opened in a New tab.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Email Signature from being included when sending a Newsletter Test from the Send Newsletter page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the Redirect Action after an Admin deletes a Single 301 Redirect Rule in the Admin.
- We refactored the function which retrieves Member Subcategories on the Member Search Results page in order to reduce the page load time.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Member Upgrades page to show an incorrect “Save Message Label” when a Quarterly Price was the only recurring option available for the upgrade.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to submit the Get Matched form on Member Profile Pages.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Post location information to be saved with the location information of the Member even when a Location was correctly entered for the post.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Facebook Feed widget to not work properly in some cases.
- We added the ability to add the Buy Post button multiple times on Details pages for the Sell Digital Downloads Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was displaying the $ currency symbol in some places when another currency was selected for a site.
- We refactored the code of the Admin Dashboard in order to reduce the page load time.
- We removed the Invoice Table which was showing when an Admin clicks on the “CC Info” button on the Transactions Tab of the Member Account Details page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the redirect action after an Admin creates a new Contact on the View Contact page in the Admin area.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing a “Joined Date” from being saved for Sub-Account Members when they were created.
- We moved the Specialties, Reviews and Bookmark My Favorites Add-On options to the top of the Post Publishing tab on the Edit Product Settings page. The other Feature Options display in alphabetical order.
- We fixed an issue which was causing failed Lead purchase invoices to display as “Past Due” in the Transaction History page.
- In all, over 90 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.