Generate additional revenue from your members by selling digital products and services directly through your website.
Sell ebook downloads, banner ad placements, marketing services and more. Your website will automatically charge the member’s credit card. They will then receive a confirmation email and be redirected to a confirmation/download page.
Website will prompt buyers if no credit card is on file
Include download link(s) in confirmation page/email
Set a max. purchase limit – will display “Sold Out” once reached
Trackable sales history for all digital products sold
Purchases are displayed in admin Transaction History
Export sales for specific products as a .csv file
NOTEIn order to utilize this add-on, your website requires a secure HTTPS connection. You can get an SSL Certificate HERE if your website does not currently have one.
Options When Listing Digital Products for Sale
Customize the “Buy Now” button text (call to action).
The digital product’s price must be set to a minimum of $1.00.
For each digital product you sell you can add a text description, keywords/tags, videos and an image gallery.
Select which web page buyers are automatically redirected to after purchasing. This can be a custom landing page and/or Thank You page that you create specifically for this product. If applicable, you can include a download link for the digital product on this page. You may also choose to not redirect buyers to any Thank You page.
Select which email template is automatically sent to buyers after purchasing. This can be a custom email that you create specifically thanking buyers for purchasing this digital product. If applicable, you can include a download link for the digital product in this email. You may also choose to not send any confirmation email.
Common Digital Product Ideas
Sell Digital Products & Services can be thought of as away for you, the website owner, to sell products or services to your members that are not membership plans. Below are some common uses for this add-on.
White papers (PDFs)
Access to web pages on your website, only for people who purchase a specific “Digital Product”
Member profile and post boosts for better visibility
Newsletter blasts to your community or mentions in your newsletters
Banner ad placement and other sponsored placements
The sky is the limit with what you can do on the Brilliant Directories platform. I love the fact that everything can be customised and there are constant improvements and additions. The support, advice and guidance that one receives through the BD Facebook group, Webinars and Support team is excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a directory type website.
We're always happy to chat about your goals and explain what comes with your Brilliant Directories website. Contact us or call to speak with a friendly team member now: +1-800-771-9332
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