Membership Training "6-Step Guide to Start Membership Websites" Join Live Webcast
[MUST WATCH] How to Create Offers and Promotions to Increase Membership Signups

This Tip of the Week covers topics including:

  • 5 Steps to Create Irresistible Offers
  • 1) Define a Problem/Pain Point
  • 2) Explain Solution to Relieve Problem
  • 3) Unbeatable Offer/Guarantee
  • 4) Sense of Urgency/Limited Supply
  • 5) Clear Steps/Simple Call to Action (CTA)

This is a segment from Webinar Wednesday 38, recorded live on April 18, 2018.

Once you have your membership website all set up and running, you might want to grease the wheels a little to increase member signups.

One of the most common questions membership website owners have is how they should price the different membership plans they are offering.

There are many avenues to take, however, the best approach is to think about how you can create irresistible and compelling offers specifically for your target demographic.

Here, we’ll share five tips to help you craft offers for your prospective members that will bring them aboard fast.

People considering joining your website will be asking themselves what they are going to gain when they sign… they want a solution to whatever problem it is that they are experiencing.

They have a pain point and that is what you should be targeting in your sales pitch. Once you have identified your target demo’s pain point – the problem that they need a solution for – you want to create an offer that will address exactly that.

5 Steps to Create Irresistible Offers

Ask yourself… what is your website offering your members? What’s the unique opportunity or solution you’re providing?

Once you identify this, you’ll be able to create offers that meet them at the point of their need. Your offer(s) could include but are not limited to:

  • Free trials
  • Consultation calls
  • Free membership with available upgrades/upcharges
  • Free downloadable eBook/guide
  • And many more… whatever you feel your target demographic would want or need

1. Define a Problem/Pain Point

Here, you need to understand and address the pain point or the need that you’re trying to solve for your prospective members. Put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective.

What industry are they in? What’re the most common problems that belabor businesses or individuals in that industry or niche?

An example of a pain point could be lack of customers for local businesses. Your community can connect these local businesses with customers seeking their products or services.

Appeal to the emotional side of the members who you want to join your website. A good one-liner prompt that’s likely to connect with, in this example, local businesses seeking more customers is:

  • Lack of online visibility is costing your business money
  • Wasting too much time chasing leads that don’t convert into customers?
  • Tired of trying rank in Google results on your own?

Some potential members do not even know they are having these problems. With this first step, you’ve already helped them identify their pain point(s) and/or problem(s) and now, they can clearly put a name to their problem(s).

2. Explain Solution to Relieve Problem

Now that you already have their attention, it is time to “sell” a solution. You’ve helped them identify their pain points. Now, you need to let them know that you have the solution that will relieve their problems.

Show them that you not only understand their problem, but you also know a way for them to no longer struggle with that problem.

But that’s not all! Letting them know that you have a solution for their problems isn’t enough. You need to also demonstrate or illustrate how your solution can help them.

For instance, if you have a tested and proven system, this is the time to shed light on that portfolio. If you have industry experts backing your membership site or member testimonials, this is the time to let your prospective members know.

3. Unbeatable Offer/Guarantee

Your prospective member already has one foot in the door. This is when you’re going to provide the actual offer.

The first thing to give your prospective members is the price. How much is your offer going to save them, compared to if they sign up without the offer?

You also need to compare your offer to alternative solutions or competitors. For example… This free eBook will teach you how to do A, B, and C, saving you time and money.

You can also compare your offer with a less beneficial or lacking offer from a competitor. That way, they can see what they will be missing out on if they don’t take your offer.

Show potential members the financial benefit of taking up your offer. Do this by showing the costs of not going with your solution at all. You can also explain how they will benefit by joining your community.

4. Sense of Urgency/Limited Supply

Creating a sense of urgency is very important. You want to warn them that this offer is only available for a limited time, so they need to act now before it’s gone.

Establish deadlines for the offer. Give a date for its end. This can be 15 days, 30 days and so on. You can also say that this offer is only available for the next 10, 50 or 100 people that sign up.

You can also offer them additional incentives if sign up now, like a free onboarding phone call. This will prompt them to act fast.

5. Clear Steps & A Simple Call to Action (CTA)

This is the last part of closing the deal. Keep the signup process simple so that it is not confusing or cumbersome. Start by providing only a few offers on your sales or landing page. If you give too many options on one page, that’s not only confusing, it is also scary!

Imagine going to a restaurant that has 50 dishes on their menu. It’s much easier to decide what you want when you only have 10 dishes to choose from.

Make the signup process simple. People don’t want to provide too much info right away, especially to a new website. Get them across the finish line by only requiring an email address and password upon signup. They can add additional information you require once they already create their account.

Finally, do not over explain your offers. Just illustrate the main benefits that members stand to gain if they act immediately.

In Conclusion…

Keep things simple, focus on the primary benefits of your offering, and remember to look at your entire website from a new visitor’s perspective – address their concerns, explain how your membership website can help them, and offer easy to understand membership plans.

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I chose Brilliant Directories because it had everything I needed when I was looking to create my membership website. The support and community inside Brilliant Directories is a great help, and you have access to literally thousands of other BD website owners who all come together to share their experiences, tips and help. If you are looking to create a directory, I can not recommend Brilliant Directories enough. No matter what you are wanting to do, there is a theme suitable for your needs!

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