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How to Use Quora and Reddit to Promote Your Directory Website

It’s becoming more difficult to impress and capture consumers’ attention as business competition continues to increase.

Companies worldwide need to think outside the box to promote their product/service and boost their brand awareness.

In this article we will provide an outlook on two powerful platforms: Quora and Reddit as a means of promoting your directory website. We’ve singled out the most effective tips and possible pitfalls to avoid… so continue reading!

5 Tips for Using Quora to Promote Your Directory Website

Quora is a community website for question-and-answer communication. Some people ask questions and others answer them. But how can you turn this Q&A platform into a source of promotion for your business? Let’s find out.

1. Get to Know Your Audience Better

First and foremost, you can use this Quora passively. By this we mean, examine the questions being asked that are related to your niche or target industry. See what is troubling your potential customers and use this knowledge to offer them a better service or product. People turn to Q&A websites to solve their problems and get information. Use this to your advantage!

2. Conduct Research

Secondly, examine your industry. Type your target keyword(s) into the search box and you’ll be offered a number of topics related to this particular keyword. By following a topic and switching on the notifications you’ll always be alerted of the changes and hot issues in your industry (at least the new information that’s being posted to Quora). As a result, you’ll always keep up with or even outrun your competitors.

You can also subscribe to particular questions to keep tabs on new answers.

3. Benefit from Helping, Rather Than Self-Promoting

As Quora is a question-and-answer based platform, you can engage with your target audience by answering their new and pressing questions. With a real-name profile you should conduct yourself a business that is genuineley helping and interacting with your customers. This can be much more successful than self-promotion because aside from self-promotion being against Quora’s rules, it also doesn’t sit well with most consumers.

You can also answer neutral questions that are relevant to your business. It’s not necessary to add a link to your site in your answers, you can simply mention it in your profile credentials/signature. This will prevent your responses from looking spammy.

4. Find the Right Questions to Answer

It’s vital to find the proper questions to answer. If you’ve done enough research on your topic or are faimiliar enough with your target industry then you shouldn’t have any problems with this. You and your company should sound as knowledgable and experience as possible. This is the key to creating an image of an effective business that someone can turn to for help.

You can use Quora Ads Manager for free to find lots of relevant questions on your target topic. Navigate to the “Ads Manager” page, create a test campaign, choose “Contextual Targeting” and “Questions” as a type of targeting. After adding a few keywords, you will get a complete list of questions that you can answer.

Quesitons about Membership Websites

5. Connect with the Like-Minded

Quora is a social media platform. For this reason, it’s designed to connect people with one another (i.e., connect you with potential customers).

You can first look for relevant topics, then track the top answers and connect with followers of the topic. There are also many communities that you can join. It could also be wise to collaborate with boards or experts in your industry to share info on your target topic, as the main goal for users is to find a solution to their problem. In turn, your site will benefit by increasing its awareness on Quora.

5 Tips for Using Reddit to Promote Your Directory Website

Reddit has turned into something more than just a simple online forum as it was originally designed. It is now one of the most visited websites on the web that offers loads of valuable information. Political and sports discussions, AMAs (Ask Me Anything), informational posts, memes – it has something for everyone. In addition to being a popular source of educational information, it can be a great way to promote your business.

1. Paid Advertising

The popularity of businesses investing in Reddit ads continues to grow. Finding your target audience is truly easy and effective on Reddit, as advertisements on this platform perform on a CPM (Cost per Impressions) basis. That is why the least energy-сonsuming way to promote your business here is to pay for ads.

Reddit has over 1 million “subreddits” (sub-forums focussed on specific topics) organized around a multitude of different categories. This gives you an opportunity to target your audience by choosing specific subreddits where your ads will be shown. Reddit gives you an opportunity to promote your site in an easy, unobtrusive way.

Reddit Ads

2. Consider Using Guerrilla Marketing

Reddit doesn’t allow its users to have multiple accounts, but many companies ignore this rule and create dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of Reddit accounts to promote their brand using different guerrilla marketing tactics. They use proxies to access the site from different accounts to upvote their own posts (the more users upvote a post, the higher its visibility will be) or leave comments mentioning their website.

While this is not the most honest way to promote your website, it is efficient and cost-effective. You can find active threads related to your business target industry and begin promoting your site where possible, backing your posts with upvotes to create a viral effect. Google loves Reddit and ranks it well in search results. Try to find relevant threads that receive some traffic from Google and post responses on those posts to get the best results. If done properly, this approach could be as effective as paid ads.

3. Benefit from Using AMAs

AMA stands for Ask Me Anything. If you’re lacking ideas, unsure of what offerings your target demographic wants/needs, or you simply want to get to know your audience better, there’s nothing better than AMA. Encourage people to ask you questions. It will boost your company’s awareness while giving you the opportunity to see what’s on your customers’ minds. Moreover, you can use it for charity money raising or for offering prizes. In any case, doing an AMA is an amazing opportunity to keep your brand in the public eye.

4. Be Creative

As we’ve already mentioned, Reddit has become a huge platform offering a vast variety of both entertaining and useful information. Don’t be an exception. Don’t limit your creativity here. You can shoot educational videos or “How to” videos. Create useful infographics that explain the benefits of using your site. Write opsts about relevant stories or experiences. Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun… this goes back to coming off as a genuine person online.

Quality content quickly becomes viral on Reddit. Without a doubt, there have to be some inside jokes in your industry, so use them to have fun online with like-minded people. They’re gauranteed to like it (and if they like, they share — your brand gets popular). Simple as that!

— Adam Simon
Reddit guru and education blogger at LegitWritingServices

5. Keep an Eye on Trends

Reddit is a great platform to stay on the lookout for upcoming trends. All you need to do is monitor what people are discussing on Reddit. Additionally, examine subreddits and what’s going on there. Furthermore, you should not limit yourself to your industry only. You can analyze what’s popular and why. In turn, use this information to boost your brand awareness and modernize your services or products. When things are changing every day, companies need to stay on top of trends if they want to keep up with the modern pace of desires and demands.

Final Words

Quora and Reddit are amazing platforms that businesses can truly benefit from. It goes without saying that all successful companies client-oriented. They invest time and money into understanding their target audience better. However, you can save considerable resources by turning to these two platforms. Moreover, you’ll get firsthand feedback – Get closer to your customers if you want to understand their demands better.

These social media platforms offer an amazing opportunity to increase your brand awareness by always being in the public eye. Most importantly, not just anybody’s eye, but your exact target audience. People have questions and you can offer the right solutions by gently guiding them to turn to your company.

In today’s everchanging business environment if you’re not trying something new, you’re probably falling behind the curve. That is why it’s vital for any business to keep up with the wants and needs of their target demographic and turn to as many sources as possible to make their marketing strategies more efficient and, as a result, increase sales. Give these methods a shot and see for yourself!

Author: Rhonda Martinez

Rhonda Martinez is a passionate blogger and marketer with seven years of experience working with social media. She likes sharing her knowledge in digital marketing and writing insightful blog posts on marketing-related topics.

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