Membership Training "6-Step Guide to Start Membership Websites" Join Live Webcast
Webinar Wednesday 177 <small>– April 24, 2024</small>

Key Topics:

    New Updates & Releases

  • 02:19 – SPEED: Enable cached search results for posts and members
  • 04:20 – PABBLY: Pabbly Now Better Aligns with Settings Found in Zapier
  • 04:55 – COLOR SETS: Design Your Site with New & Updated Colors Schemes
  • 07:29 – PAGESPEED: System now auto-adds missing alt=”attribute” to images
  • 08:13 – MEMBERS: Search & Filter Member IPs by Country Name
  • 12:41 – EMAILS: Enhanced Newsletter Features & Analytics (next webinar)
  • 13:06 – TAGS: In Admin, Create Custom Tags to Pin to Members (next webinar)
  • Questions & Answers (Part 1)

  • 14:00 – Conditional tagging?
  • 15:39 – Poor pagespeed?
  • Tip of the Week

  • 16:06 – The Growth of Your Website Relies on “Remarketing Ads” (Part 1)
  • 18:00 – What Is Remarketing?
  • 19:01 – Remarketing vs. Standard Advertising
  • 21:40 – Remarketing Example
  • 25:04 – Why Remarketing Is Important
  • 27:19 – How Remarketing Works?
  • 31:02 – If You Don’t Have Remarketing Ads…
  • 33:15 – Remarketing: Part 2 (coming soon)
  • Questions & Answers (Part 2)

  • 35:19 – Other Remarketing platforms
  • 38:32 – Apprehensions about remarketing
  • 41:22 – Where is my referral number showing up?
  • 44:13 – Monitoring my credits
  • 45:43 – Monitoring the revenue created by lead purchases
  • 47:20 – Where to make SEO edits and using custom and lookalike audiences
  • 50:45 – Creative date, last edit date, start and publish date
  • 1:00:57 – Bootstrap theme – member results
  • 1:05:50 – Bad pagespeed
  • 1:12:11 – Problem posting image
Brilliant Directories Webinar Wednesday

AI-Generated Transcript – Please excuse any inaccuracies

SPEED: Enable cached search results for posts and members 00:02:19

  • A new feature allows users to enable cached search results for posts and members.
  • Caching improves page speed by eliminating the need for database queries during searches.
  • The cached search results are automatically refreshed when there are changes or updates to posts.
  • Users can enable this feature in the post settings for specific post types or for all post types.
  • The setting is located in the "Search Results Design" tab under "Additional Settings."
  • Enabling cached search results has no negative effects and can improve page speed scores for larger websites.

PABBLY: Pabbly Now Better Aligns with Settings Found in Zapier 00:04:20

  • Pabbly (PAB) integration settings now better align with those found in Zapier.
  • Any inconsistencies should be reported to the support team.
  • Ongoing collaboration with PAB to ensure alignment.

COLOR SETS: Design Your Site with New & Updated Colors Schemes 00:04:55

  • New and updated color sets available for site design.
  • Useful for users starting a site and needing direction with color choices.
  • Color sets organized in an array for easy selection.
  • Example of using the 'Royal Plum' color set on a sample site.
  • Working on developing industry-specific dedicated themes.
  • Themes will include popular categories and subcategories to save time.
  • Users can suggest themes they would like to see created.

PAGESPEED: System now auto-adds missing alt="attribute" to images 00:07:29

  • System now automatically adds missing alt attributes to images.
  • Alt attributes help screen readers understand image content.
  • Improves page speed scores in accessibility, SEO, and performance categories.
  • Benefits all Brilliant Directories sites.

MEMBERS: Search & Filter Member IPs by Country Name 00:08:13

  • Members can now search and filter member IP addresses by country name in the admin area.
  • This feature can be used for moderation, such as identifying unwanted signups or SEO companies creating listings from other countries.
  • It can also be used for market research, such as identifying new markets to venture into.
  • The initial sync may take several minutes for larger sites.
  • There may be no IP address for members created from the API, Zapier, or imported via CSV file.
  • Users can create smart lists, email members, or take further action based on the information provided.
  • Remarketing ads are a type of online advertising that allows businesses to show ads to people who have previously visited their website or interacted with their content.
  • They can be used to remind people about products or services they were interested in, or to encourage them to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Remarketing ads can be created using platforms such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.
  • Businesses can target specific audiences based on factors such as demographics, interests, and previous browsing behavior.
  • Remarketing ads can be an effective way to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales.

EMAILS: Enhanced Newsletter Features & Analytics (next webinar) 00:12:41

  • Enhanced newsletter functionality coming in the next webinar.
  • Better segmentation, scheduling for the future, and more features.

TAGS: In Admin, Create Custom Tags to Pin to Members (next webinar) 00:13:06

  • Custom tags can be created in the admin area.
  • Members can be tagged based on event attendance, form completion, and more.
  • Tagging use cases will be explored in future webinars.

Conditional tagging? 00:14:00

  • Smart lists can be created based on tagging.
  • Conditional content on the site based on tags is possible with coding knowledge.

Poor pagespeed? 00:15:39

  • Colette, a member from New Zealand, asks about a sudden drop in page speed on her site.
  • Jason agrees to look into it during the Q&A session.

The Growth of Your Website Relies on "Remarketing Ads" (Part 1) 00:16:06

  • Remarketing advertising is a cost-effective way to get your website in front of more people and stay top of mind.
  • Remarketing ads are not too complicated to understand, and even if you're unfamiliar with the term, you've likely received them before.
  • This webinar will cover the basics of remarketing ads, including what they are, why they're important, and how they differ from traditional online advertising.
  • Remarketing ads can bridge the gap between your marketing efforts and continuously market to people who have visited your website.

What Is Remarketing? 00:18:00

  • Remarketing is essentially targeted advertising shown to people who have already visited your website.
  • These individuals may have come to your website through social media or found it organically in Google.
  • Remarketing ads re-engage prospective customers who have shown interest in your website by displaying relevant ads to them as they browse the internet.

Remarketing vs. Standard Advertising 00:19:01

  • Remarketing focuses on users who have already visited a website, while standard advertising targets a broader audience based on keywords or interests.
  • Remarketing allows for personalized relevance by tailoring ads to visitors' past behaviors and specific pages they visited.
  • Remarketing is more cost-effective compared to standard advertising, with clicks costing pennies on the dollar compared to standard online ads that can cost several dollars per click.
  • Standard advertising on platforms like Facebook targets people based on their interests, while remarketing targets visitors who have already shown interest by visiting a website.

Remarketing Example 00:21:40

  • Remarketing ads are displayed to people who have visited a specific website or taken a specific action on a website.
  • Examples of remarketing ads:
  • A person visits a directory website and searches for attorneys in Dallas, Texas. They may see an ad on Facebook asking if they still need a lawyer or if they are a lawyer, they can get listed in the directory.
  • A person visits a shoe website and looks at a pair of shoes but doesn't purchase them. They may see an ad on Facebook for the same pair of shoes with a discount code.
  • A person cancels their membership at a gym. They may see an ad on Facebook offering a discount to rejoin.
  • Re-engaging interested visitors: Remarketing ads bring back visitors who have previously shown interest in a product or service but didn't take action.
  • Increasing brand awareness: Remarketing ads keep a brand or product in the forefront of a potential customer's mind, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.
  • Driving conversions: Remarketing ads can encourage potential customers to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Why Remarketing Is Important 00:25:04

  • Remarketing ads help convert website visitors who didn't complete a desired action (e.g., submitting a lead, creating an account).
  • Remarketing ads keep the website top of mind for visitors who have already converted (e.g., became a member).
  • Remarketing ads can be personalized based on past interactions to encourage specific actions (e.g., displaying an ad for a specific product viewed on the website).
  • Remarketing ads are cost-effective as they target familiar users with higher conversion rates and better returns on investment.

How Remarketing Works? 00:27:19

  • Remarketing involves tracking website visitors using a pixel code from platforms like Google, Bing, or Meta.
  • The pixel code identifies who has visited the website, which pages they viewed, and who hasn't.
  • Different audience lists or segments of website visitors can be created based on specific actions taken on the website.
  • Remarketing ads can be personalized and targeted to specific audience lists on platforms like Google and Facebook.
  • The goal of remarketing ads is to compel users to click and direct them to landing pages with offers or incentives to convert them into customers.
  • Remarketing ads can keep a brand at the forefront of a potential customer's mind for an extended period (90-120 days or longer).
  • It provides a way to bring people back to a website, which can be more effective than waiting to rank in search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Remarketing ads can be more cost-effective than intent-based advertising methods like PPC (pay-per-click) because they target a smaller, more relevant audience who have already shown interest in the website.

If You Don't Have Remarketing Ads… 00:31:02

  • Potential loss of conversions from people who visited the website but didn't take the desired action.
  • Missed engagement opportunities and lost opportunities.
  • Decreased brand recall and reduced brand awareness and engagement.
  • Importance of staying top of mind, fostering ongoing relationships and loyalty, and grabbing conversions.

Remarketing: Part 2 (coming soon) 00:33:15

  • Technical aspects of remarketing, including setting up remarketing ad campaigns.
  • Popular ad platforms: Bing, Google, Meta (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram).
  • Placing the pixel code on the website.
  • Creating remarketing audience lists.
  • Ideas and examples of ads specifically for directory and membership websites.
  • Key elements to include on landing pages for remarketing ads, such as specific calls to action.

Other Remarketing platforms 00:35:19

  • Remarketing ads are displayed to people who have visited a website and then left.
  • The two primary platforms for remarketing are Google and Facebook.
  • Google ads are displayed on other websites that people who have recently visited a site are now on.
  • Facebook ads are displayed to people who have visited a site and are now on Facebook or other Meta platforms.
  • Other platforms that may have remarketing options include LinkedIn and Twitter.

Apprehensions about remarketing 00:38:32

  • Remarketing involves showing ads to people who have previously visited a website.
  • The concern is that it may seem intrusive or irrelevant to users.
  • Remarketing ads can be used to target people who have visited a website with specific ads.
  • These ads can be displayed on other websites or platforms that the user visits.
  • Remarketing ads can be used to promote specific products or services, or to encourage users to return to a website.
  • They can also be used to create brand awareness and increase website traffic.
  • Remarketing ads can be cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience.
  • The effectiveness of remarketing ads depends on the relevance of the ads and the targeting options used.

Where is my referral number showing up? 00:41:22

  • Referral code corresponds to the member ID number.
  • Referral code can be shared with potential members to earn referral fees.
  • Email address might also work as a referral code, but it's not 100% confirmed.
  • Documentation on adding a referral ID link in the member dashboard is available in the support center.
  • The referral code can be found in the member's dashboard under "Transaction Summary".

Monitoring my credits 00:44:13

  • An upcoming update will show additions and when credits are granted in the transaction history.
  • The update will show line items for each referral, making it easier to track earnings.
  • Members will be able to see how much they earned from each referral in their transaction summary.

Monitoring the revenue created by lead purchases 00:45:43

  • A question was asked about generating a report to show the revenue created specifically from lead purchases.
  • The speaker mentioned that filtering by transaction type in the Finance section should allow for this.
  • They suggested going to the website upper cervical to look for examples.
  • They searched for "lead" in the product name section and found a drop-down menu with the option to filter for leads.
  • A coupon code "leads10" was mentioned.
  • The speaker acknowledged that there might be an option to filter by digital product, paper poster, or leads, but they were not certain and would look into it further.

Where to make SEO edits and using custom and lookalike audiences 00:47:20

  • Lonus asks about where to make SEO edits and how to use custom and lookalike audiences.
  • Lookalike audiences may work well for broad advertising, lifestyle products, or trending topics, but not for directories or membership sites.
  • It's better to use more targeted ways to reach audiences.

Creative date, last edit date, start and publish date 00:50:45

  • Google values both fresh and established content, and rich snippet markup helps define the date published and date modified, which Google reads as fresh content.
  • Sharing your sitemap with Google helps get articles indexed quicker.
  • When migrating old content, create 301 redirects from old to new article links to preserve search engine rankings.
  • Regularly check and fix 404 and 401 errors on your website.
  • Displaying the date published and date modified enhances aesthetics and organizes articles on the website.
  • A sitemap provides Google with information about all the pages on a website, but Google may only index a portion of them.
  • Bolding and underlining links in post descriptions can be automated through CSS.
  • Internal linking between articles improves the site's value in Google's eyes.

Bootstrap theme – member results 01:00:57

  • Sean expresses his concern about the lack of SEO template modification options, specifically the inability to add a text box to include custom content for dynamic pages.
  • The website has 144,000 pages but only 10,000 are indexed due to the lack of content on the dynamic pages.
  • Sean suggests adding a block of text that dynamically fills in the category as a variable.
  • Sean is advised to look for the "listing" or "member listing" option in the edit post settings.
  • He can then go to the search results page design code view and scroll down to the page footer to add custom content.
  • Alternatively, Sean can create a widget with custom code and place it in the bottom of the search results page.
  • This allows Sean to add descriptions for each category and choose where to render them.

Bad pagespeed 01:05:50

  • Google Tag Manager should be loaded in the footer to enhance page speed and reduce bounce rates.
  • A global site delivery service is in progress to improve page load times for international users in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.
  • Core web vitals are crucial for website performance and can be challenging to optimize.
  • A performance score in the green range indicates good performance, while most websites have scores below 50.
  • If your website's performance score is low, contact the BD support team for assistance.

Problem posting image 01:12:11

  • To display category images on the member directory page, you can create a static page using pre-made blocks and replace the images.
  • Part one of the webinar on remarketing ads is complete, and part two will be conducted in an upcoming session.
  • Several Lab updates have been released, with more significant updates expected in May.
  • A replay of the webinar will be posted in the Brilliant Directories Facebook group.
  • The next webinar will be held in two weeks, marking the middle of the year.
  • Viewers can subscribe to the Brilliant Directories YouTube channel for more updates.
  • The Brilliant Directories team thanks the attendees and concludes the webinar.

The Elevator Pitch
Why Choose Brilliant Directories

We'll make it short and sweet:

  • We Know Membership Sites — We've taken care of all the heavy lifting so you can focus on growing your membership community and getting users signed up.
  • Access to Expert Support — We know you have questions... Our dedicated support team works 'round the clock to quickly resolve any technical issues.
  • Trusted by 30,000+ Websites — With over 10 years of experience, we understand the unique needs of online membership communities.
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The sky is the limit with Brilliant Directories

The sky is the limit with what you can do on the Brilliant Directories platform. I love the fact that everything can be customised and there are constant improvements and additions. The support, advice and guidance that one receives through the BD Facebook group, Webinars and Support team is excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a directory type website.

Colette B. — New Zealand Read More Reviews

Questions Before Getting Started?

We're always happy to chat about your goals and explain what comes with your Brilliant Directories website. Contact us or call to speak with a friendly team member now: +1-800-771-9332

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  • Learn how to setup membership plans, connect your payment gateway and generate revenue
  • Tour the features that will help you manage your community and maximize productivity
  • Experience how members will view, edit and self-manage their personal accounts
  • Customize your demo site to match your brand
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